Handling Character.

Trail Handling Characteristics
Too much trail, more than 4":
The bike will handle sluggish at high speeds if it's got more than 4" of trail. It might seem almost too steady. At lower speeds or on windy roads the rider will have trouble balancing the bike, making it feel generally sluggish and clumsy.
Too little trail, less than 2":
The bike will handle with unbelievable ease at low speeds with less than 2" of trail. However, it will be way out of balance at high speeds, creating an unsafe high-speed wobble.
Normal trail between 2"- 4":
The bike will handle with ease at both high and low speeds. It will flow smoothly through curves and will not sway or wobble. Keep the trail as close to 4 inches as possible with a fat rear tire. (Xtream's rear tires are FAT!) For touring, a little larger trail is good.

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